* * * The paper submission deadline has been extended to April 30, 2015! * * *
Call for Papers [download in PDF]
Special Session: “Design and Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Services and Applications”
Special session organizers:
Matevž Pogačnik, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lea Skorin-Kapov, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Jože Guna, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Scope and background:
Interactive multimedia services and applications centred around human-to-human and human-to-machine interactions are becoming a part of our everyday lives. Going beyond simple “one-way” consumption of multimedia content, interactive services elicit responses and/or control from end users. A wide range of interactive multimedia services and applications are available today, e.g., interactive digital TV, cloud and Web-based applications, networked gaming, thin-client remote desktop applications, etc. Such services generally impose strict network requirements in terms of low latency and in certain cases high bandwidth consumption. Going beyond network requirements, interactive services inherently call for a user-centred design approach, whereby the high degree of interactivity implies the need to consider factors such as user interface design, user behaviour, interaction quality, and system responsiveness as contributing to the overall user experience. Furthermore, as opposed to the quality assessment of unidirectional audiovisual applications, interactive applications impose challenges from a Quality of Experience (QoE) modelling perspective in the sense that system behaviour depends on user interactions, rather than pre-recorded and controlled settings. Challenges also arise with potentially multiple users interacting (collaborating) while using such applications, calling for the need to consider complex social aspects and interactions among users.
The topics of interest include:
• User experience, usability and interaction design in digital TV applications
• Multimedia terminal devices/equipment and digital TV applications
• Methodology and meta-methodology design and application
• Gamification in interactive services and applications
• User experience, QoS and QoE modeling for networked games
• User experience, QoS and QoE modeling for interactive cloud- and Web-based services
• Application and network management strategies to optimize QoE for interactive multimedia services and applications
Paper submission:
Prospective authors are invited to submit novel, previously unpublished full papers (up to 8 pages), addressing the topics of interest, for consideration for the special session. For paper formatting, style, and submission guidelines and deadlines, please refer to the Information for Authors. All papers submitted to the special session will be peer-reviewed according to the rules for the main conference.
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
To submit a paper, go directly to submission page in EDAS.
Session organizers:
Matevž Pogačnik, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, and the Head of the multimedia section of the Laboratory of Telecommunications. His research and scientific work is focused on development of interactive multimedia services for different devices with a special emphasis on user experience and usability issues. Lately he’s been mostly involved in development of interactive services on different devices in the fields of e-learning and digital TV systems. His research work also includes the field of IoT, applied to medical and other aspects of user context. Matevž Pogačnik participated in numerous European projects from the fields of interactive digital television, e-learning, e-tourism, e-health and P2P systems. He is a member of IEEE.
Lea Skorin-Kapov, Ph.D. is currently an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, where she is part of the Networked Media Research Group. She was previously employed in the R&D Center of Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. (ETK), Zagreb, Croatia (2001-2009), working on topics related to QoS signaling, negotiation, and adaptation for advanced multimedia services in NGNs. Her recent research interests include Quality of Experience modeling of interactive multimedia and mobile Web/cloud-based applications, cross-layer negotiation and management of QoS/QoE in NGN environments, and policy-based resource allocation and optimization mechanisms. She has been involved in various national and international research projects focusing on QoS/QoE of multimedia services. She is currently serving as Chapter vice-chair of the IEEE Communications Society -Croatia Chapter, and is co-chair for the IEEE MMTC QoE Interest Group.
Dr. Jože Guna is a researcher at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. His area of expertise focuses on Internet technologies, multimedia technologies and IPTV systems with special emphasis on user centred design, user interaction modalities and designing the user experience, including gamification and flow aspects. Currently he is involved in a number of projects focusing on the development of intuitive user interfaces for elderly users of eHealth application and interactive multimedia HBBTV application. He is an expert in Internet, ICT and IPTV technologies and holds several industrial certificates from CISCO, Comptia and Apple, including trainer licenses from Cisco and Apple. He is a member of IEEE.