Call Queueing: The Design and Performance Analysis of a New ATM Signalling
S. Blaabjerg, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
G. Fodor and S. Szekely, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
Real Time Traffic Over Wide Area ATM Network
A.A. Belhaj, L. Pap and T.V. Do
Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
Multipurpose Middleware for Broadband Multimedia Applications
I. Cselenyi, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
C. Gisgard, Telia AB, Sweden
P. Haraszti, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
A. Latour-Henner, Telia AB, Sweden
I. Szabo, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
G. Zaruba, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
Interactive Optical CATV - Modulation Problems and Simulation
R. Volner and M. Trunkvalter,
University of Transport and Communications,
Zilina, Slovakia
Stereoscopic Systems Based on a Multiprocessor Technology
S. Riemann, Ericsson-Tesla, Zagreb, Croatia
Negotiations of Multiparty and Multimedia Sessions: Problem, Models and
Protocols (poster)
B. Strelec, Ericsson-Tesla, Zagreb, Croatia
Hyperaudio - A Service for the Visually Impaired
J. Juric, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Liberalization of Value Added Services in Romania (poster)
L. Toboc and I. Georgescu,
Rom Telecom, Bucharest, Romania
Network Performance Issues in ATM Networks
I. Svinnset and R. Venturin,
Telenor R&D, Kjeller, Norway
Design of the Optimized VLSI Architecture for Discrete
Cosine Transform Used in Image Compression
M. Kovac, M. Zagar, University of Zagreb, Croatia
N. Ranganathan,
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
DSP Techniques for the Efficient Traffic Control in High-speed Networks
A. Bazant, University of Zagreb, Croatia