Workshop on IPTV Technology and Multidisciplinary Applications
Preliminary Program
The Workshop will take place on Tuesday June 9, 2009, at the Sheraton Zagreb hotel, Kneza Borne 2, Zagreb (for detailed instructions, see Venue).
The Workshop is open to all registered ConTEL 2009 participants at no additional fee.
For workshop-only participants, a one-day IWITMA'09 workshop-only registration is also available.
Time | Tuesday, June 9 |
8:00-9:00 | Registration |
9:00-10:30 | Plenary Session - Keynote Lecture IPTV – Now and Next Marie-José Montpetit, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee and Tea Break |
11:00-12:30 | Workshop on IPTV Technology and Multidisciplinary Applications I (Grand Ballroom, Section B) |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch |
13:30-15:00 |
Workshop on IPTV Technology and Multidisciplinary Applications II (Grand Ballroom, Section B) |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee and Tea Break |
15:30-17:00 | Workshop on IPTV and Multidisciplinary Applications III - Demo Session (Grand Ballroom, Section B) |
20:30-22:30 | Conference & Workshop Gala Dinner |
Workshop on IPTV Technology and Multidisciplinary Applications I
11.00-12.30, Grand Balroom (Section B)
DVB-IPTV Content Download Services - IPTV Services Anytime and Anywhere
T. Stockhammer, J. Heile
SIP Based IPTV Architecture for Heterogeneous Networks
R.S. Cruz, M.S. Nunes, L. Menezes, J. Domingue
NGN based IPTV & Telecommunication Services for the Vista Media Center
R. Gräfe, O. Friedrich
Performance of Scalable Video Coding for a TV Broadcast Network with Constant Video Quality and Heterogeneous Receivers
Z. Avramova, D. De Vleeschauwer, P. Debevere, S. Wittevrongel, P. Lambert, R. Van de Walle, H. Bruneel
Quality of Service Analysis for IPTV Provisioning
T. Janevski, Z. Vanevski
Workshop on IPTV Technology and Multidisciplinary Applications II
13.30-15.00, Grand Balroom (Section B)
The Future of IPTV: Adding Social Networking and Mobility (Invited talk)
M.J. Montpetit, N. Klym, T. Mirlacher
An IPTV Service for Academic and Research Communities
P. Balaouras, S. Sartzetaki
Quality Models for IPTV Content Distribution (Invited talk)
O.M. Bonastre
On Mobile Video Streaming IPTV
C. Palau, J. Martinez-Nohales, J. Mares, B. Molina, M. Esteve
Workshop on IPTV Technology and Multidisciplinary Applications III
15.30-17.00, Grand Balroom (Section B)
Demo Session
The Future of TV and Media Services - Interactive Live Demo of Fraunhofer FOKUS Standardized Converged Rich Media and IPTV solution
R. Seeliger, O. Friedrich, B. Zachey, S. Arbanowski
Mobile TV Coding
S. Buchinger, M. Nezveda, W. Robitza, P. Hummelbrunner, H. Hlavac
Technical Program Committee
Workshop Chair:
Oscar Martinez Bonastre
Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, Operations Research Center, Spain
TPC Members:
Sachin Agarwal,
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories – Research, Germany
Stefan Arbanowski, FOKUS' Media Interoperability Lab, Germany
Alen Bazant,
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Albert Canigueral,
Advanced Digital Broadcast, Switzerland
Pablo Cesar,
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Netherland
Meeyoung Cha,
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany
Danny De Vleeschauwer,
Alcatel, Network Strategy Group, Belgium
Mohamed Essaaidi,
Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco
Ulf Essler,
Centre for Information and Communications Research (CIC), Sweden
Giancarlo Fortino,
Università della Calabria, Italy
Olivier Fourmaux,
Pierre et Marie Curie University, LIP6, France
Vijay Gopalakrishnan,
AT&T Labs – Research, USA
Jivesh Govil,
Cisco Systems, Inc., USA
Xiaojun Hei,
Huazhong Univ. Science & Tech., P.R. China
Jinsul Kim,
Korea Nazarene University, Korea
Byung Sun Lee,
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea
Jian Liang,
eBay Inc., USA
Zhu Liu,
AT&T Labs – Research, USA
Marie-José Montpetit,
Visiting Scientist, MIT Media Lab, USA
Hasna Moustafa,
France Telecom R&D (Orange Labs), France
Maurizio Murroni,
University of Cagliari, Italy
Carlos Palau Salvador,
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Kamil Sarac,
University of Texas at Dallas, TX, USA
James She,
University of Waterloo, Canada
Dalibor Turina,
Ericsson, Sweden
Manfred Weihs,
Institute of Computer Technology, Austria
Call for Demonstrations [closed]
A demo session will be organized along with the International Workshop on IPTV Technologies and Multidisciplinary Applications (IWITMA). This session encourages IPTV companies to present contributions which are especially relevant to the IPTV industry. Therefore, this session is not intended to present research work (only). Contributions concerning (amongst others) IPTV areas like live demos, business cases, market insights, innovation, case studies, etc., are welcome.
Submissions for the demo session are limited to 1 page (A4 paper). The contribution should include a short author bio & company info (together 1/3 of the page) and a free interpretation of a paper elevator pitch to advertise the content of the talk. The format of the page is free, and visually compelling submissions are highly appreciated.
After acceptance, demos will be announced within the workshop program and the workshop web site. At the demo session, each demo will have a talk slot of 20 minutes including questions.
Important Dates
- March 30, 2009: Demo proposals, Due (hard deadline) [closed]
- April 15, 2009: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
- April 24, 2009: Final, Camera Ready Demos, Due
Demo submissions for the workshop should be submitted by e-mail to the Workshop Chair, Dr. Oscar Martinez Bonastre (E-mail:
Call for Papers [closed]
The ConTEL 2009 Workshop on IPTV Technologies and Multidisciplinary Applications (IWITMA 2009) is a one-day event to be held in conjunction with the main conference. The tentative day of the workshop is June 8, 2009.
The workshop seeks innovative technical papers on all aspects of IPTV in multimedia broadcasting, including architectural standardization, content protection, quality of service and quality of experience, middleware, etc.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Architectures for IPTV systems (including NGN based, Non-NGN based, IPTV service and scenario, etc.)
- IPTV Service deployments, interactivity, datacasting
- IPTV QoS/QoE issues (including performance considerations, traffic management, cross layer reliability solutions, monitoring, etc.)
- Video Content Distribution Networks for distributed IPTV systems
- IPTV system integration issues (including head-end integration, networking, end systems, portability scalability / interoperability aspects, etc.)
- Mobile IPTV (system deployment, mobile extension considerations, etc.)
- IPTV test beds and field trials for multimedia broadcasting applications
- IPTV home networks, set-top-box and home networking
- Architectures for P2P-based IPTV Service delivery
- Mathematical and analytical models for IPTV networks
- IPTV content consumption measurement, congestion control, rate control
- IPTV processing, video coding and processing
- IPTV content protection and watermarking.
Additionally, the workshop organizers plan to bring an invited speaker to talk on “IPTV in Industry”, i.e., to discuss original contributions from various industry IPTV domains (e.g. consumer electronics, broadcasters, producers, broadband companies, software and hardware developers, telecom operators). The objective will be discussing evidences of issues regarding IPTV technologies’ dealing with industry cases in the above areas of interest.
Paper submissions for the workshop should follow the submission guidelines for regular ConTEL papers, and be submitted electronically before submission deadline, via EDAS (, under the “IPTV Workshop” track.
Deadlines have been extened.
February 16, 2009[Closed!]: Deadline for Conference Paper Submission
February 22, 2009[Closed!]: Deadline for Workshop on IPTV paper submission
March 1, 2009[Closed!]: Deadline for special session on Optical access (SS4)April 6, 2009: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
April 24, 2009: Final, Camera Ready Papers, Due
Papers submitted to the workshop must not have been published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere. IEEE policy regarding plagiarism and duplicate submission/publication will be strictly enforced. Paper submissions should follow the IEEE double-column format for conferences (templates available under [ Authors/Paper format ]). A maximum of (8) pages including all figures and references are allowed for each paper. Papers in excess of page limits shall not be considered for review or publication. Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process, coordinated by the Program Committee. Submission of a paper implies that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors must register and attend the conference to present the work. Instructions and guidelines for electronic submission are available on ConTEL Web site (
Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process and accepted papers will be published in the special section of the ConTEL 2009 conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
Best papers (extended version) selected by TPC will be published in a special issue of the Springer's Journal Multimedia Tools and Applications journal. For more details on the journal, see .

Organized by: University of Zagreb - FER, IEEE Communication Society Croatia Chapter