Paper upload instructions
Please use your existing EDAS account.
You may submit any number of papers by using the same account.
First, you will have to log in. Once you enter the system, you will see a list of active conferences. By clicking on View (magnifying glass icon) next to ConTEL 2007, you will access your personal view page which enables you to see your profile and submit your paper(s). Please DO not submit a new paper, just update/correct the existing info and upload the new PDF file.Step 1: You will see your paper(s) under the title "Papers You Authored".
Step 2: Click on paper number (# (Edit)) to view and correct the title, abstract, and author information, if necessary. Please mark whether you prefer poster or oral presentation. Click on "Submit" once you're done. A note will show, stating "Paper xxx updated." (Go "Back" to the list of papers in Step 1.)
Step 3: Click on paper title (Title (link to paper)) to display and verify the paper information. Click on upload iconto upload the final version of your paper. This may take a while, depending on your file size. The old version will be automatically overwritten.
Please note that the final paper must be compliant with IEEE Xplore®. Papers failing to meet the IEEE Xplore® PDF requirements can not be included in the conference proceedings!Finally, if all goes well, you will receive an e-mail notification that the paper has been successfully uploaded. Also, going back to your personal view (Home/View) you will be able to see (all) paper(s) that you submitted.
This EDAS system has been used in a number of conferences and is known to work well. You should not have any problems by following the instructions above. There is also on-line Help built into the system (balloon Help icon).In an unlikely event that you experience recurring problems with EDAS, please contact the Program Chair.
Organized by: University of Zagreb - FER, IEEE Croatia Section, IEEE Communication Society Croatia Chapter