Krzysztof Amborski
was born on August 14, 1941 in Lublin, Poland. He
received his M.Sc. degree in Telecommunications and
Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering, both from Warsaw University of
Technology, Warsaw, Poland, in 1964 and 1972,
respectively. Besides he received M.A. degree in Mathematics (Numerical Methods) in 1971 from University of Warsaw, Poland. He joined the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics in May 1964, where he is currently an Assistant Professor. He received several Awards from the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology for educational and scientific achievements and three Awards from the Minister of Science and Education. Since December 1994 he is also active as an expert in broadband transmission of multimedia services in Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. and member of ETNO working group. For academic year 1998/99 he is appointed Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, Germany, where he is teaching simulation, fundamentals of computers and Media Systems Design. He is a member of Polish Electricians Association, Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrotechnics, Polish Informatics Society, Polish Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, Society for Computer Simulation and a reviewer for the Mathematical Review. Hobbies: high-see sailing, alpin skiing, symphonic music. |
Roberto Sabella received the degree in electronics engineering (Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica) from the University La Sapienza of Roma, Italy, in 1987. He then joined Ericsson Telecomunicazioni, Rome, Italy, where he was a Hardware Designer for about one-and-a-half years, and then as a Researcher on advanced fiber-optic communications. His research interests are in high-speed optical communication systems and optical networks. Since 1991, he led a group working on the modeling and simulation of advanced communication systems. He holds two patents on optical cross-connects, is coauthor of a book on high-speed optical communications, and author of more than 70 papers on scientific/technical journals and conferences. Since May 1997, he has been with CoRiTel consortium as research technical coordinator. He has been Lecturer (professore a contratto) at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and at the Polytechnic of Bari, Italy. | |
Associate Professor Thomas Plagemann received his Diploma in Computer Science from the University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) in 1990, and his Doctor of Technical Science from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich (Switzerland) in 1994. In 1995, he was honoured with the Medal of the ETH Zurich for his doctoral thesis, in which he developed the Da CaPo communication subsystem. Since 1994, Thomas Plagemann is working at UniK - Center of Technology at Kjeller, University of Oslo (Norway) where he has created a research group in the area of distributed multimedia systems. His research interests include multimedia middleware, QoS, operating system support for distributed multimedia systems, and interactive distance learning. In 1998, Thomas Plagemann was Co-Chair of IDMS'98 (International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services) September 1998 in Oslo and Co-Workshop-Chair for the International ACM Multimedia Conference 1998 in September in Bristol. | |
Vlasta Žurić Hudek
graduated in 1974 at Faculty of Electrical Engineering
of University of Zagreb, where she received M.Sc. degree
in 1980 and Ph. D. degree in 1993. After graduation she joined Croatian Telecom where she worked in the field of telecom network maintenance and on its development later on. Currently she is an expert for telecom network development responsible for fibre optics technology and broadband access networks areas. She is author or co-author of near sixty published scientific and professional papers. |
Vladimir Brlić
was born on February 5, 1950 in Zagreb, Croatia. He
received his M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. degree in Electrical
Engineering/Telecommunications from Faculty of Electrical
Engineering at University of Zagreb in 1977 and 1987
respectively. Since November 15, 1974 he has worked at Croatian Telecom. He was first performing the jobs of the organizer of international telephone exchange. From 1979 till 1991 he was working as the chief of organizational unit for international and long distance telephone equipment. Since 1991 he has worked in the Telecommunication Directorate as the Head of Telecommunication Network and Services Development Department. Since 1977 he has been actively participating in the scientific work. He received special Award from the Rector of University of Zagreb and tree Awards from the Dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering at University of Zagreb. On April 10, 1984 by the decision of the scientific council of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering he was given a scientific title of Scientific Assistant from the field of electronics, and in 1987 the title of Scientific Associate from the same field. For the last nine years he have been participating in the education of pre-graduate students. Till the year 1997 he held a lecture called: “The Traffic in Info Networks” and today he holds a lecture called “Organization of Telecommunication Network”. As author/co-author he has so far published 107 scientific and expert works. |
Taieb Znati
obtained a Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science at Michigan
State University, East Lansing, in April 1988, and a
Master of Science Degree at Purdue University, West
Lafayette, Indiana. In 1988, Dr. Znati joined the
University of Pittsburgh where he currently holds an
associate professor position in the Department of
Computer Science with a joint appointment in
Telecommunications in the Department of Information
Science, and a joint appointment in Computer Engineering. His current research interests focus on the design of network protocols for wired and wireless communication networks to support multimedia applications' QoS requirements, the development of multicast protocols for multimedia applications, the design and analysis of medium access control protocols for distributed real-time systems, and the investigation of fundamental design issues related to efficient access of multimedia information. He contributed numerous papers in these research fields. Dr. Znati participated in the development of several programs of continued education. He is a regular participant in Network Focused College education program and the Advanced Technology Innovation program at the Information Networking Institute (INI) of Carnegie Melon University. He has been frequently invited to present lectures and tutorials in networking and distributed multimedia related topics, in the United States of America and abroad. He has given seminars on client/server applications, TCP/IP protocol architecture, SNA, and other network protocols, throughout the United States, Europe and Asia. He was also invited to participate in the Pacific Bell distance learning initiative for the development and presentation of a series of Interenet-based, interactive seminars on the fundamentals of internetworking and superhighway of information. Dr. Znati is currently a member of the TF Group on Multimedia. He is the current general chair of CNDS'99 and the Annual Simulation Symposium and served as a program chair of numerous conferences and workshops in networking and distributed multimedia systems. He also served in numerous panels on future developments in multimedia systems from the perspective of researchers, developers and users. Dr. Znati is also member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks. |
Antun Carić received BSc, MSc and PhD from University of Zagreb. He is adjunct lecturer at theUniversity of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. He is director of R&D division of Ericsson in Croatia – Ericson Nikola Tesla. His current field of interest inludes software design, open systems, network signalling and control, new network services and applications. | |
Kristian Toivo received M Sc. Degree from Helsinki University of Technology and joined Ericsson in 1984. He is currently President of Ericsson Eurolab Germany GmbH im Herzogenrath, Germany. His career at Ericsson includes positions in R&D, Product Management and Marketing in the areas of switching systems, intelligent networks and cellular systems. | |
Glorianna Davenport is founder and director of the Interactive CinemaGroup in the Media Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Trained as a documentary film maker, Ms. Davenport has achieved international recognition for her work in the new media forms. Her research explores fundamental issues related to the collaborative co-construction of digital media experiences, where the task of narration is split among authors, consumers, and computer mediators. Ms Davenport's recent work focuses on the creation of customizable, personalizable storyteller systems which dynamically serve and adapt to a widely dispersed society of audience. Ms. Davenport has taught, lectured and published internationally on subjects of interactive multimedia and story construction. She has received several industry awards for her documentary movies and multimedia projects. Ms. Davenport has served as an advisor to several start-up companies founded by former students. Publications: | |
Tawfig F. Alrabiah received a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh in 1999. He also holds an M.S. degree in Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh. His current research interests are in developing network routing and path establishment schemes to support unicast and multicast communication in distributed multimedia systems. Mr. Alrabiah is a member of ACM and IEEE.} |