Wednesday June 18, 1997 |
9.00-11.00 OPENING SESSION OF4th International Conference on Telecommunications ConTEL 97and 2nd International Workshop on Applied Formal Methods in System Design
Kristian Toivo, Antun Caric (fi, hr)
Rance Cleaveland (usa) 11.30-12.30 NETWORK DEVELOPMENTHorst Schwede (de)Development of the International Network
Thomas Korst (dk)
Michail Zharkov, Alexander Shaparev, Konstantin Samouylov (ru)
Ivan Car, Davor Ugrin, Zeljka Sironic, Nadica Curic-Segaric, Ivana Sekula (hr) 11.30-12.30 RADIO & SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONSNikola Rozic, Dinko Begusic, Winton Afric (hr)Viable Concept for Development of Paging System Based on ERMES Standard in Croatia
Marija Vrdoljak, Vedran Bozic (hr)
Josko Zec (usa)
Drasko Marin (hr) 14.00-15.30 ATM 1Thomas Schreiber (de)ATM at Deutsche Telekom - Our way
Rima Venturin, Vjekoslav Sinkovic (no, hr)
Mette Rohne (no) 14.00-15.30 SOFTWARE DESIGN & QUALITYPauli Maki-Pollari, Zeljko Antolic (fi, hr)The Horizontal Software Technology Transfer - Case: Consolidating of AXE 10 Software Development
Dragutin Flam, Vjeran Radatovic (hr)
Mika Kamarainen (fi)
Davor Dokonal, Dragan Kale (au) 16.00-17.30 ATM 2M. Al-khatib, A. Kumar, S. Rajupalem, Magdy A. Bayoumi (usa)A New Architectural Design for a Deflecting Multicast Switch
Ilse Lievens, Piet Demeester (be)
A.A. Belhaj, L. Pap, T.V. Do (hu) 16.00-17.30 MULTIMEDIAMaja Matijasevic, Denis Gracanin (usa, hr)Multicasting and MBone for Multimedia and Virtual Reality Applications
L. Fuentes, J.M. Troya (es)
Boris Strelec (hr)
Hrvoje Dujmic (hr) |
Thursday, June 19, 1997 |
9.00-10.30 INTELLIGENT NETWORKS 1Terje Jensen (no)Dimensioning Intelligent Network
Kenneth J. Turner (uk) 11.00-12.30 INTELLIGENT NETWORKS 2Vladimir Efimouchkin, Tatiana Issaeva (ru)Performance Analysis of Intelligent Call Blocking Probability
Olli Martikainen, Pasi Kemppainen, Konstantin Samouylov, Nikolai Kosminin (fi, ru)
Vlatka Vrbanic, Katarina Krajina, Bojan Mati (hr)
Darko Svelec (hr) 11.00-12.30 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSGabor Nemeth (hu)Information Processing Networks
Christophe Veltsos, Kimon Valavanis (usa)
Marijan Kunstic, Nives Sandri, Roberto Sandri (hr) 14.00-16.00 ACCESS NETWORKSS.Rao, R. Porobic (ch)ATM Based Access Network and Future Evolution
Davor Saric (hr)
Herbert Leitold, Reinhard Posch (at)
Vlado Vrlika (hr) 14.00-16.00 COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLSTatjana Kapus, Zmago Brezocnik (si)Compositional Verification of TLA Protocol Specifications using Projections
Monika Kapus Kolar (si)
Ivan Z. Jutrisa, Nalin Sharda, Pietro Cerone (au)
E.K. Fragoulopoulos, G.T. Kolyvas, I.S. Venieris (gr) |
Friday, June 20, 1997 |
9.00-10.30 INFORMATION SYSTEMS & NETWORKSMiha Mraz, Nikolaj Zimic, Tone Vidmar (si)Some Statistical Characteristics of Computer Network Backbone - University of Ljubljana Network as a Case Study
Snjezana Ivezic, Dubravko Cej, Vesna Mandaric, Zeljko Unkovic (hr)
Tadej Vodopivec, Veselko Gustin (si) 11.00-12.30 OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONSC. Bungarzeanu (ch)Computer-Aided Design of Linearly Chirped Fibre Gratings Used as Broadband Dispersion Compensators
Kresimir Profaca, Zoran Skocir, Branko Mikac (hr) |
*Papers included in the Proceedings, not presented in the Session
Preliminary Program of the 2nd International Workshop on Applied Formal Methods in System Design will be available on the Web on May 12, 1997.