The reviewing was done by the members of the Program Committee:
- Dr. Vladimir Brlic (HR)
- Dr. Antun Caric (HR)
- Dr. Nic Knutdzon (N)
- Dr. Marijan Kunstic (HR)
- Dr. Ignac Lovrek (HR)
- Dr. Robin Mansell (UK)
- Dr. Borivoj Modlic (HR)
- Dr. Gabor Nemeth (H)
- Dr. Vjekoslav Sinkovic(HR)
- Dr. Mladen Tkalic (HR)
- Dr. Kimon Valavanis (USA)
- Dr. Jernej Virant (SL)
- Dr. Mikhail Zharkov (RU)
and the following colleagues:
- Dr. Rudolf Albrecht (A)
- Dr. Petar Biljanovic (HR)
- Dr. Leo Budin (HR)
- Dr. Neven Elezovic (HR)
- Dr. Dragutin Flam (HR)
- Dr. Mladen Kos (HR)
- Dr. Boris Kviz (HR)
- Dr. Peter Leuthold (CH)
- Dr. Vladimir Matkovic (HR)
- Dr. Branko Mikac (HR)
- Dr. Antun Mikec (HR)
- Dr. Mike O'Mahony (UK)
- Dr. Rajko Pfaff (HR)
- Dr. Konstantin Samouylov (RU)
- Dr. Enver Sehovic (HR)
Scientific Program Committee also gratefully acknowledges H. Gieser of the ETH Zurich, who helped in reviewing process.
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