
The reviewing was done by the members of the Program Committee:
Dr. Vladimir Brlic (HR)
Dr. Antun Caric (HR)
Dr. Nic Knutdzon (N)
Dr. Marijan Kunstic (HR)
Dr. Ignac Lovrek (HR)
Dr. Robin Mansell (UK)
Dr. Borivoj Modlic (HR)
Dr. Gabor Nemeth (H)
Dr. Vjekoslav Sinkovic(HR)
Dr. Mladen Tkalic (HR)
Dr. Kimon Valavanis (USA)
Dr. Jernej Virant (SL)
Dr. Mikhail Zharkov (RU)
and the following colleagues:
Dr. Rudolf Albrecht (A)
Dr. Petar Biljanovic (HR)
Dr. Leo Budin (HR)
Dr. Neven Elezovic (HR)
Dr. Dragutin Flam (HR)
Dr. Mladen Kos (HR)
Dr. Boris Kviz (HR)
Dr. Peter Leuthold (CH)
Dr. Vladimir Matkovic (HR)
Dr. Branko Mikac (HR)
Dr. Antun Mikec (HR)
Dr. Mike O'Mahony (UK)
Dr. Rajko Pfaff (HR)
Dr. Konstantin Samouylov (RU)
Dr. Enver Sehovic (HR)

Scientific Program Committee also gratefully acknowledges H. Gieser of the ETH Zurich, who helped in reviewing process.

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